Friday, October 30, 2015

Book Review: Kiss of Broken Glass

Kiss of Broken Glass
By: Madeleine Kuderick
General Information:
Copyright Date: 2014
Genre: Young Adult
Pages: 224
Price: $9.17 (via the link below)
ISBN:  9780062306562  

Trigger Warning- Depression & Cutting!
Synopsis: In the next 72 hours, Kenna may lose everything—her friends, her freedom, and maybe even herself. One kiss of the blade was all it took to get her sent to the psych ward for 72 hours. There she will face her addiction to cutting, though the outcome is far from certain. When fifteen-year-old Kenna is found cutting herself in the school bathroom, she is sent to a facility for a mandatory psychiatric watch. There Kenna meets other kids like her—her roommate, Donya, who's there for her fifth time; the birdlike Skylar; and Jag, a boy cute enough to make her forget her problems . . . for a moment. Madeleine Kuderick's gripping debut is a darkly beautiful and lyrical novel in verse, perfect for fans of Sonya Sones and Laurie Halse Anderson. Kiss of Broken Glass pulses with emotion and lingers long after the last page.
Cover: I love the cover! I thought all the colors really pop and work well with the book. This cover was so great it made me pick it up and get it just because it was so amazing!
Theme: I believe the theme throughout the book was that you can get through anything. There will always be hard times; it will always look like it gets so much worse but it will get so much better! 
Point of view: It was written in the first person; through Kenna. 
Intended Audience: This book was written for YA. I think it was written for the younger side because of how it was written but the topics and what happened is more geared towards the older side. 
Author Style: Madeleine Kuderick can really capture the essence of how it really feels to be this low. It even makes her writing so much better when you get so emotional throughout the book and it is just written in just verse! Of course if you don't really know anything about depression and cutting or the want to cut then you might not understand all of the things with her writing but she really puts it all out there. 

Characters: Kenna was the main character that was going through all these issues. Yet again knowing that it was written in verse you wouldn't think there would be much to the characters but there was to Kenna. I didn't really like her personality but to people who like the unlikable characters then you will love her.
Of course there were other characters within the story but they were not really talked about. 

Plot: The plot was not that much of a plot. It was kind of just Kenna's journey through her issues. Which was great because then the feelings got to really stick out which I think was really important when talking about these kind of things.

Setting: I don't remember there ever being a setting other than wherever Kenna was.

My Opinion: I loved this book! I have gone through things like this so it really got to my heart which is why I think I love it so much; because it showed how it feels so much more than any other book I have ever read. 
It did bother me a lot that there was no real reason she cut herself. Of course everyone has their own issues and reasons but it made it seem like she only did it because it was the 'thing' to do. Like I said, I have gone through this and its a really hard thing to do and to stop so it kind of made me think she was making fun of it or saying there is no reason to do it when there is truly something that makes people want to do it. 

Score: Image result for 4 out of 5 stars

Would you recommend this book?  Yes

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Thursday, October 29, 2015

Blog Tour: Darkest Dawn

Blog Tour

Darkest Dawn
By:  Katlyn Duncan


Genre: YA Paranormal
Published by: HarperCollins Publishers
Published on September 17th, 2015

One desperate journey for the truth
Returning to Willows Lake eleven years after her mother’s tragic death, Sloane Baker knows she will finally get the answers she needs! She always suspected that there was something more sinister at the heart of the accident that claimed her mother’s life, but a cryptic note could be the key to her past…
Two lives changed forever
The small town has always seemed safe to Brianna Taylor – until a mysterious new girl arrives who looks exactly like Bri! Now everything Bri knew has been thrown into question and Sloane’s arrival has changed the world of Willows Lake forever.
Strange things are happening in Willows Lake. But when they turn deadly, Bri and Sloane must find a way to save each other or risk losing everything they hold dear…

About the Author:

Katlyn Duncan
Katlyn Duncan was born and raised in a small town in western Massachusetts. Her overactive imagination involved invisible friends, wanting to be a Disney Princess and making up her own stories. Her bibliophile mom always encouraged her love of reading and that stayed with her since. Even though she works full time in the medical field Katlyn has always made time for books, whether she is reading or writing them.
Katlyn now lives in southern Connecticut with her husband and adorable Wheaten Terrier and she is thrilled to finally share her stories with the world.
Twitter: @katlyn_duncan

Buy it!! 

The Giveaway:

5 ecopies (mobi or pdf only) of Darkest Dawn by Katlyn Duncan

Book Review: An Ember in the ashes

Book Review:

An Ember in the Ashes
By: Sabaa Tahir

An Ember in the Ashes (An Ember in the Ashes, #1)

General Information

Copyright date: 2015
Genre: Young Adult/Fantasy
Pages: 446
Price: $12.07 (at the link below)
ISBN: 9781595148032

Synopsis: Under the Martial Empire, defiance is met with death. Those who do not vow their blood and bodies to the Emperor risk the execution of their loved ones and the destruction of all they hold dear. It is in this brutal world, inspired by ancient Rome, that Laia lives with her grandparents and older brother. The family ekes out an existence in the Empire’s impoverished backstreets. They do not challenge the Empire. They’ve seen what happens to those who do. But when Laia’s brother is arrested for treason, Laia is forced to make a decision. In exchange for help from rebels who promise to rescue her brother, she will risk her life to spy for them from within the Empire’s greatest military academy. There, Laia meets Elias, the school’s finest soldier—and secretly, its most unwilling. Elias wants only to be free of the tyranny he’s being trained to enforce. He and Laia will soon realize that their destinies are intertwined—and that their choices will change the fate of the Empire itself.

Cover: This cover is beautiful!! It is one of the main reasons why I picked it up in the first place. The colors and design really goes with the mood of the book. I felt like it really captured the essance of the book.
Theme: No theme really stood out but I can tell it's going to continue into the next book. 
Point of view: It was written in 3rd person but it shifted back and forth between Elias and Laia. 

Intended Audience: This is written for young adults but more towards the older side. A lot of YA books are written for the younger side and makes the reader feel kind of stupid but this was totally the opposite than that. 

Author Style: Sabaa Tahir is such an amazing writer and so easy to follow! She likes to write with some big words and makes you think. I loved the way her writing just flowed from one paragraph to another.

Characters: Elias- He always felt trapped...I liked him but he never really changed. But I do have to say that he was very selfless when it came to others asking him to be something hes not. She wrote him very well.
Laia- Yet again she was also written well but she seemed a little whiny and didn't really stand out. It did seem like shes changed a little throughout the book. 

Plot: When I first started the book it seemed kind of confusing because there were two different story lines but of course it came together at the end. I am excited to see where it goes into the next book. There were no holes that I could see because it was so very well thought out. I read this book so quickly because it flowed so well and was such an amazing book.

Setting: It was set in Black Cliff and Scholars quarter. Of course not in the USA and since it is fantasy it is in its own world. 

My Opinion: Ohh My God this book was amazing!! I loved this book and cannot wait to get my hands on the next one. When I was reading I really got to escape reality because the world was written up so much that I just got sucked in. There was so much hype for this book that I was hesitant to start reading it but it seriously lived up to the hype and more.

Book #2 A Torch Against the Night comes out August 30, 2016! 

Score: Image result for 5 out of 5 stars

Would you recommend it? YES

 If you liked this book- check out these ones:

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Sunday, October 25, 2015

New Booktube Video!

Hey guys!! I have a new video on my book youtube channel! 
Go check it out and make sure you like, comment and subscribe!!!

You can also go on to my vlog channel and see how our Disney vacation went!! Make sure you subscribe to that channel too!! 

Monday, October 19, 2015

Hawk Blog Tour: Guest post by Marie Powell!!

Hawk Banner Hawk

This blog topic was originated by the blog Mythical books! Make sure you go check out their book blog over at!

Hawk by Marie Powell Genre: young adult historical fantasy Published August 1st, 2015 Published by Five Rivers Publishing 294 Pages

Amazon: Goodreads: Chapters: Kobo Books Scheduled during Teen Read Week! Check it out HERE!  
Hyw yearns to join his father in serving the charismatic Llywelyn, Prince of Wales. If only Hyw dared tell anyone of his ability to scout through the eyes of a hawk, it might help secure his place in the royal guard. Cat, his sister, longs to inherit the magical ability that runs through her mother’s line. If only she could see her future, now that she is 13 and promised to a boy she barely remembers. When a messenger summons the prince to a secret meeting, Cat and Hwy find themselves in the middle of a war that threatens to destroy all of Wales. Can they master their special abilities in time to save the royal family—and themselves? Set among the actual events and personages of late 13th century Wales, Marie Powell has constructed a fantasy novel that recreates what life might have been like for two teenagers coming of age.
About the Author:
Marie Powell
Marie Powell ( is the author of 30 published books, including the young adult historical fantasy Hawk (Five Rivers, 2015) and Hawk and Crown (Five Rivers, 2016). She holds a Master of Fine Arts (MFA) degree in Creative Writing from the University of British Columbia, and her award-winning short stories and poetry appear in such literary magazines as subTerrain, Room, and Transition. She lives in Saskatchewan, and her writing workshops are popular across the province. Read more about Hawk and Welsh history on her blog at   Website: Blog: Follow @mepowell Facebook:
  From Fable to Fantasy - The Help of Animals   One of the first scenes I wrote for Hawk – maybe the first scene – was the opening, where Hyw is floating high above his world, connected with the mind of a hawk. Even after many revisions, it’s still the opening scene of the novel. I love hawks. To me, a hawk in full flight is a symbol of independence and freedom. My character Hyw also wants to use the hawk and other birds in the novel to scout out the locations and movements of the English army for his father and the other Welsh warriors. The first time I saw hawks up close was when I wrote an article on a master falconer for Prairies North Magazine (Summer 2006) and CBC Radio. That falconer told me that even the Swainson’s hawk riding on his shoulder should never be taken as a pet. They’re still wild animals, and have to be respected as such. I find their alien eyes and taloned feet chilling and fascinating, and I’m still writing about hawks ( Following Welsh mythology, Hyw can use his empathetic gift to gain insight and even control over any animal. Owls, rabbits, and foxes become his eyes and ears as the people move farther into North Wales, trying to escape the onslaught of English soldiers. A fox even orchestrates a meeting between the former prince Llywelyn and his brother, using Hyw as a medium between the world of the Old Ones and the royal princes. Hyw’s relationship with the animal world, and his hereditary ability as it evolves throughout the story, is meant to be one of give and take. I also wanted Hyw’s special power to ring true as a survival skill for any hunter-gatherer people, who felt more comfortable living on their land than in the stone castles of the so-called civilized English. Someone once asked me, how did the Welsh survive a genocidal invasion like the one in 1282? In my story, they survive through their connection with the land and the help of its animals.   The Giveaway: (3) ecopies of Hawk by Marie Powell