~~ T.v Shows ~~
Here are some of the T.V. shows that I have been watching!
1) Amazing Race - Season 2 &3 - These seasons were some great people. There were of course some times I didn't like and there are definitely some people I didn't like but I loved how wide spread all the things they do are. Of course I was not to happy with who won but there is nothing I can do about it. You can totally tell that it was filmed a while ago with the quality. I am excited to continue on to the next season.
2) How I met your mother - Season 9 - I have seen all of these seasons and love them all. Sarah and I thought we would watch season 9 again because we loved it so much! This show has the best of everything! It is super funny, sad moments, and a lot of heart touching issues. This is the last season and yes many people thought it didn't end the way it should have but I do agree with the ending; no matter how sad it is.

3) Grey's Anatomy - Season 8, 9 & 10 - I will be totally honest- I never thought I would like this show! My mother used to watch this show constantly and I always mad fun of it. But one day I thought I would try it out and look at me now! I am loving it! I am not a fan of all the bloody and surgery scenes but I still am so fangirling over this show! I do not like all the new interns they are adding but that could be just because I love the original people more. If you like drama or even just the medical side of it you should totally check this out!
4) Friends - Seasons 8-10 - OMG I love this show so much!! I could legit watch this show 24/7/365! I wish this had never gone off the air. I prefer the beginning of the series but I do love how the show always works with such different issues. Normally when shows like this put two of the characters together it goes down hill but it never did. It was always such a funny and caring show.
5) Law & Order SVU - Season 13 - This show will always be amazing and one of my all time favorites! I do prefer the earlier seasons because they seemed to be more in depth and creepier but this season was still really good! I am enjoying seeing a lot of new guest stars that I know more than the first couple seasons. If you like crime shows you should totally pick this one up!
6) Orange is the new Black - Seasons 2 &3 - Of course I had already seen the first two seasons but Sarah and I wanted to re-watch the second season so we remembered what happened. I was so excited when it came onto netflix early! Omg....I think I am the only person in the world that didn't like this season at all! Yes Stella is beautiful but I think that was like the only good thing about this season. I am so happy they are already filming a 4th season. This season (to me) was really boring. Normally there are some amazing moments that make my mouth hang open but this one had none! If you have seen it ...please comment and let me know what you thought of!
6) Orange is the new Black - Seasons 2 &3 - Of course I had already seen the first two seasons but Sarah and I wanted to re-watch the second season so we remembered what happened. I was so excited when it came onto netflix early! Omg....I think I am the only person in the world that didn't like this season at all! Yes Stella is beautiful but I think that was like the only good thing about this season. I am so happy they are already filming a 4th season. This season (to me) was really boring. Normally there are some amazing moments that make my mouth hang open but this one had none! If you have seen it ...please comment and let me know what you thought of!

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